Articles are written based on broad educational themes:
- Global and environmental issues
- Singapore stories and issues
- Cultures and diversity
- Inspiring personalities and leaders
- Nature and humans’ impact on it
- Sports
- Personal recounts
- Social emotional learning and character building
- Ambitions and careers

Language activities inside ACE cover language skills such as:
- Grammar
- Writing
- Listening

QR Codes: Related videos extend reader experience and encourage acquiring of information from different sources
Word Bank: Highlighted thematic vocabulary enriches writing and speaking skills
Let’s Discuss: Higher Order Thinking Questions promote critical thinking and creative problem solving

Differentiated worksheets provide language practice for the various exam-based sections aligned to the MOE English Syllabus 1184/1190/1195:
Upper Secondary G1
- Editing
- Modified Cloze
- Reading Comprehension
Lower Secondary G2/G3
- Editing
- Reading Comprehension
- Summary Writing
- Vocabulary in Context
- Oral Communication