OUR WORLD- Fair Trade

Here’s a video of a cacao farmer in Ecuador, Latin America, explaining how he has benefitted from fair trade

Here’s a video that was done in 2016 by one of the fair trade organisations to explain what they do
FOOTSTEPS- Jurong Island

Watch this video to have a birds-eye view of the restricted Jurong Island from the sky

In 2014, the Jurong Rock Caverns was opened. The caverns is a large underground storage for oil located under Jurong Island. It is the size of 600 swimming pools! Watch this video to see the construction of the caverns
CULTURE TALK – Diving for Dinner

Check out this aerial view of a Bajau village!

Let’s go on a fishing trip with the Bajau
HEROES – Amy Purdy

Gone are the days of chunky and ugly prosthetics. Nowadays, they can be made to resemble real body parts. Check out this video about a company that makes a range of incredibly realistic prosthetics, with each part custom-made by hand.

Meet Shariff Abdullah, the first “Blade Runner” of Singapore. Shariff was born without a left foot and had to amputate a further 5 inches from his left leg. After being fitted with a blade prosthetic, Shariff realised that he enjoyed running long distances. He took part in his first marathon in 2009, the Standard Chartered Marathon. Find out more about Singapore’s first Blade Runner here
MOTHER NATURE – Coral Bleaching

Why are corals important and what will happen when all the coral reefs around the world die? Watch this video to find out.

Find out more about corals in this short video
SPORTS – Vertical Marathons

In 2018, more than 2,200 participants raced to the top of the Swissotel in Singapore in its annual vertical marathon. Watch this video to hear some participants share about their experience, as well as find out more about the hotel that hosts this race

View this short clip to see runners race up the famous Empire State Building in New York City
MY EXPERIENCE- Overseas School Trip

Watch this video to see the difference between the ancient Chinese script and the simplified script, and how it has evolved

Watch this video to learn how to prepare and launch your own paper sky lantern!
INSPIRATION- Managing Emotions

Find out more about the relationship between Emotions and the Brain in this video

See how some children acknowledge their feelings and learn to deal with them
INSPIRATION- Managing Emotions

Watch this lively Berklee Pop String Ensemble play Happy by Pharrell Williams

Watch the Pentatonix performing a holiday song here