OUR WORLD-What is Terrorism?

Watch this video for a timeline of the September 11 attacks

Watch this short video by SGSecure, to know what to do if there is a terrorist attack
FOOTSTEPS-William Farquhar

Some Singaporeans are asked about William Farquhar, among other questions on the history of the country. Find out what they say in this video!
CULTURE TALK-Ethiopia’s Fascinating Tribes

Watch this short video to see how the dance before the bull-jumping is performed.

This short video shows how the bull-jumping is done by the Hamar tribe.

Watch a short documentary on the Karo tribe here.
HEROES-Jacinda Ardern

Watch this short video which shows an interview by TIME with Jacinda Ardern.

Watch this short video to find out which country this is and how they do it.

Check out this video, where a chef introduces Kopi Luwak on a TV show.
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See how Kopi Luwak is made on a small plantation in Bali, Indonesia.
SPORTS-Unusual Sports

Find out why chess boxing appeals to some people in this video.

Look at this video to see how the UK Wife Carrying Championships 2018 went!
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Watch this video to find out more about toe wrestling!

Did you know that kids as young as 10 can learn to scuba dive? Watch this video about a young girl’s first experience scuba diving with her parents in Cuba.

Look at this animated video to see what the divers had to go through to save the boys.
INSPIRATION-To Succeed, First Fail

Learn how engineers learn by failing in this video.

JK Rowling tells us not to be afraid of failure in this inspiring speech.
AMBITION-Tree Doctor

Find out about the history of trees in this video.

Check out the Singapore landscape industry in this video.