OUR WORLD-Wearable Technology

Watch this short video to see what wearable technology is.

Look at how they are using wearable technology at Changi Airport.

Here’s another game developed with augmented reality.

FOOTSTEPS-Lieutenant Adnan

Watch this short animation film that recounts the events of the Battle of Bukit Chandu and the heroism of Lieutenant Adnan and his platoon.

Watch this short video for a glimpse of the first level of this museum!

CULTURE TALK-School Uniforms

Look at some school uniforms from around the world!

Watch this short video about a school uniform debate in Australia.

Look at how some boys protest against their no-shorts uniform policy in Britain!

HEROES-Elon Musk

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Look at how some boys protest against their no-shorts uniform policy in Britain!

Watch this video for a short report on this school.

MOTHER NATURE-Impact of Consumerism

Watch this video to find out more about consumerism.

Find out how materialism affects us and the society in this video.


SPORTS-Badwater Ultramarathon

Watch this video for a glimpse into what it is actually like to run the Badwater Ultramarathon


Watch this short interview of Pam Reed as she finishes 2nd in the 2012 Badwater race.

MY EXPERIENCE-Helping Out with Food Distribution

Watch this video from a volunteer’s point of view on a typical day at a soup kitchen in Singapore.

Watch this video on a volunteer’s point of view on a food distribution run.

INSPIRATION-Servant Leadership

Watch this video to catch some thoughts on Servant Leadership.

Check out this video to find out more from Kid President and other kids on what makes an awesome leader.

AMBITION-Forensic Scientist

Find out how DNA fingerprinting is used to identify criminals in this short video.

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 Watch this video to understand better what forensic pathologists do.